Linda Garami | Postdoctoral Researcher
I am interested in the common principles of how abstract representations emerge in sensory processing. I studied human perception and cognition in the linguistic domain, in the context of attention to short-term memory, and bi-stable linguistic perception (RRI, Toronto).I have been studying the neuronal code for regularity and violations of expectation in the auditory cortex (UPENN), and the role of neural variability in cortical dynamics (PPKE). Presently, I am exploring through human behavioral and animal studies the shared principles of spectral and temporal grouping (chunking) of signals in the auditory and visual domains as well as the computational link of these principles to probabilistic coding.
I have a passion for facilitating events that increase public awareness and access to science and basic research at all ages (career fairs, public lectures, science demos).
Phd in Psychology, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
MA in Neuropsychology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
MA in Psychology, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
Address: Faculty Tower, 409
Email: garamil at ceu dot edu